


Nursing Home Falls and Fractures Lawyer Philadelphia PA

Nursing Home Falls and Fractures Lawyer Philadelphia PA

Nursing Home Falls and Fractures Lawyer Philadelphia PAA nursing home falls and fractures lawyer Philadelphia PA families turn to for support knows that the discovery of abuse and neglect on the part of a nursing home can be incredibly upsetting. You expect that your loved one is receiving the care possible. Wieand Law Firm, LLC, has experience in representing victims and their families to take legal action. We know that you have many questions about your case and how to move forward, and we can help. For a clear legal strategy and representation, you can rely on, start by contacting our firm. 

Why is abuse so prevalent in nursing homes?

When a loved one is in a nursing home, there can be a risk that abuse or neglect might occur. Abuse is incredibly common in nursing homes. Low resources are a primary reason for nursing home abuse. Because of the nature of the work, nursing homes are often understaffed and, in some cases, may even employ staff who do not have the proper training or skills to provide adequate care. Unfortunately, many cases of abuse and neglect go unreported, leaving victims to suffer quietly. 

What evidence helps prove my case?

When taking legal action, the plaintiff will be charged with proving the case, and that negligence was a factor. Evidence will play a critical role in how a lawyer manages your case. Our PA nursing home attorneys may recommend gathering the following evidence:

  • Photographs/Videos of Injuries
  • Eyewitness Accounts
  • Police Reports
  • Documentation of Medical expenses
  • Police Reports
  • Medical Charts

How can I obtain medical charts from the nursing home? 

Medical charts and records from the nursing home may provide a key piece of evidence for the case. Nursing home patients and their families have a right to their medical records. However, it will be essential to take the proper course of action towards obtaining them. Nursing home facilities are required to allow patients, doctors, and those holding power of attorney to review records. In some cases, it may be necessary to petition with the courts to retain the documents. 

Does it take longer for an older adult to recover from fractured bones?

Aging adults are at higher risk for fractured bones due to fragility and bone loss. Unfortunately, it may be difficult for an older adult to achieve a full recovery after sustaining a broken bone. Those who had physical difficulties have an even lower chance of making a full recovery. 

How should I go about taking legal action?

If you or a loved one has experienced injuries at the hands of negligent or abusive nursing home staff, the way to take legal action is by researching lawyers in your area. Once you have located a prospective law firm, start by scheduling a consultation. At this time, a lawyer will review your case and help you determine the proper course of action for your situation. 

The elderly are particularly susceptible to abuse. Nursing home staff are often overworked and underqualified; thus, it can be startling to learn that abuse is rather common and that abuse often goes unreported in many unfortunate situations. Abuse comes in several forms, physical, sexual, emotional, and financial. Unfortunately, the damages to follow can be significant. Wieand Law Firm, LLC, is prepared to assist you in taking action immediately. Let our Philadelphia, Pennsylvania nursing home falls and fractures lawyer help support you with our case by scheduling an appointment with us today. 

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