


Warehouse Accident Lawyer

Workers' Compensation Lawyer Philadelphia, PAA warehouse accident lawyer can help workers seriously injured by a workplace accident. The warehouse industry has one of the highest injury rates in the United States, according to a National Safety Council analysis of data from the Bureau of Labor Services.  In 2020, it had the highest rank for worker death rates, and was in 2nd place for non-fatal injury and illness rates. For injured workers, a warehouse accident lawyer can provide the guidance they need to advocate on their behalf to corporate insurance carriers and seek the maximum possible compensation for injuries sustained while on the job.

Common Warehouse Accidents include:

Slip, Trips, and Falls at the Warehouse

Falls account for about a quarter of total occupational injuries each year. These falls might occur when employees are not provided with safety harnesses, railings, or other equipment to keep them safe. The drop between a loading dock and the ground below can be a significant employee hazard. Additionally, poorly maintained walking surfaces, low lighting, and tripping hazards can put workers at risk for falls. Lastly, water or other liquids, powders, or oils can make a surface slick and cause a worker to fall. A warehouse accident lawyer can help you preserve critical evidence needed to be compensated for your injury.

Forklift Accidents/ Heavy Equipment Accidents

Forklift accidents are responsible for numerous employee fatalities each year. An overturned forklift can crush an employee, causing serious injuries or death. Employees should be trained on working heavy equipment, and the equipment should be kept in good working order. Inadequate forklift safety is a frequently cited OSHA workplace hazard.

Employee Struck by Falling Object

Warehouse accident lawyers frequently represent clients who have been struck by falling objects. Pallet collapses and falling objects are a known warehouse workplace hazard. Falling objects can cause severe blunt force trauma to the worker. These accidents frequently result in back injuries, shoulder injuries, and concussions that leave the worker out of work for months, or even unable to return to work.

Repetitive Motion Injuries

Many warehouse jobs require a great degree of repetitive motions. Over a long period of time, this puts the worker at risk of developing a repetitive stress injury. Examples of repetitive stress injuries include joint injuries, muscle strain, and carpal tunnel injuries.

Injuries from Overexertion

Warehouse employees often engage in tasks that involve strenuous pulling, carrying, lifting, and lowering of heavy objects. These activities can result in back and neck injuries including muscle strain and joint injuries. Overexertion is the leading cause of injuries causing disablement for warehouse workers. Worksites should provide training to their workers about proper lifting techniques and always have safety equipment such a s lifting straps available.

Injuries from Hazardous Substances and Explosions

Warehouses may be storing materials such as solvents, flammable substances, and carcinogens that can be extremely hazardous to employees. A workplace that harbors hazardous chemicals is bound by OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) to institute a hazard communication program. Safety measures include proper storage of harmful substances and the provision of safety equipment such as goggles and respiratory aides as needed.

Contact a Warehouse Accident Lawyer at the Wieand Law Firm

If you have sustained a serious injury at work, you should contact a warehouse accident lawyer to learn about your legal options. Our attorneys fight for workers to help them obtain the maximum possible compensation for their injuries. Contact our attorneys today by calling 215-666-7777 or send us a message to receive your free consultation.

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