


Philadelphia Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be life-changing. The brain does not always recover from damage such as bleeding, swelling, or lack of oxygen. Every brain injury is unique, but all traumatic brain injuries are devastating. Survivors of brain injuries and their family members deserve compassion coupled with representation from one of the legal services possible. In Philadelphia, we believe that’s with Brent Wieand and his team of Philadelphia brain injury lawyers.

How Do Brain Injuries Happen?

The brain can suffer harm with any blow or jolt to the head, impact to the skull, or penetrating injury. These motions can cause the brain to strike the inside of the skull, causing the brain to bleed or swell. The brain can also suffer from lack of oxygen (hypoxia), which can cause permanent brain damage and loss of function. Accidental drowning, suffocation, and birth injuries are all common causes of hypoxia. Other common causes of brain injury include:

The majority of brain injuries are preventable. They arise because someone did not perform his or her duties of care adequately to the victim, resulting in an accident or other incidents.
Distracted drivers, incompetent doctors, criminals, and negligent employers can all cause traumatic brain injuries. No matter the circumstances of your brain injury, talk to our traumatic brain injury attorneys about your rights and options.

How to Sue for a Brain Injury in Philadelphia

Philadelphia Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer
After sustaining a head or brain injury, the victim’s first stop should be the hospital. Doctors will run tests and scans to check for a brain injury, especially if the victim has symptoms such as nausea, headache, dizziness, confusion, or loss of consciousness. As the victim or a loved one, keep diagnosis paperwork, x-rays, and medical records of the visit. You will need these documents later for a personal injury claim. Once the victim is on the mend, call Wieand Law Firm, LLC.
We will investigate your brain injury to determine its proximate cause. We can take this information and name one or more defendants we believe are liable for the incident. This could be a driver, employer, doctor, business, property owner, or product manufacturer. Then, we’ll file your personal injury claim with the Philadelphia courts on your behalf.
In Pennsylvania, you have two years from the date of injury to bring your claim. Missing your deadline typically means losing your right to file. An insurance company will almost never offer a traumatic brain injury’s worth during initial settlement negotiations. Brain injuries are “catastrophic” in the eyes of the law, with immeasurable effects on the victims’ lives. This typically makes them eligible for significant compensation.

Contact Our Team of Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers in PA Today

Instead of dealing with an insurer on your own, retain an attorney to take over negotiations or start a civil claim for you. Our experienced lawyers will stop at nothing to secure the compensation your traumatic brain injury demands. It starts with a free consultation in Philadelphia; contact us now to schedule yours. Discover the difference a great Philadelphia traumatic brain injury lawyer can make.

Client Testimonial

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“After my wife’s accident we searched for representation that was professional, prompt, and efficient. Mr Wieand was an excellent choice.”

-Ed McGrath

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