


Sexual Abuse Lawyer in Philadelphia PA

A Sexual Abuse Lawyer in Philadelphia PA Discusses Coming Forward About Sexual AssaultSexual Abuse Lawyer in Philadelphia PA

The term sexual assault refers to any contact or behavior of a sexual nature, in which the victim did not consent to the interaction. Examples of sexual assault can be fondling, rape, inappropriate touching, coercion of sexual acts, attempted rape, and more. Sadly, it is not uncommon for victims of sexual assault to not tell anyone about the incident right away. If you have been the victim of sexual assault, you can rely on a sexual abuse lawyer in Philadelphia PA at Wieand Law Firm for guidance on how to seek retribution from the offender. We understand that this trauma may have recently occurred, or you have been suffering in painful silence for many years.
The Force Factor of Sexual Assault
Force does not have to mean physical pressure, as the offender could use other tactics such as emotional, mental or manipulation to coerce the victim to unwanted sexual interactions. Depending on the scenario and the offender’s relation to the victim, threats may be used to force the victim into obeying. Such threats can happen particularly in the business setting, where subordinate employees become victims to their bosses. An employee may be afraid to report the behavior, out of fear they may lose their job.
Sexual Assault Statistics
In the majority of sexual assault incidents, the offender is someone that the victim already knew. It is estimated that seven out of ten sexual assaults are committed by a person who was familiar to the victim. Offenders could be friends of the family, classmates, neighbors, coworkers, or other acquaintances. Sexual assault may also occur between victims and their boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife. It is still possible for sexual assault to happen where a complete stranger was the perpetrator. A few methods an offender may use to commit sexual assault include:

  • Contact Sexual Assault: The offender tries to earn trust by luring, flirting or otherwise using coercion to get the victim into a situation where the assault can be committed.
  • Blitz Sexual Assault: The offender violently and rapidly assaults the victim without any previous interactions.
  • Home Break-In Assault: The offender breaks into the home of the victim to commit the sexual assault.

Blame, Fear, and Shame
Many people who have never suffered a sexual assault act may wonder why it takes so long for victims to come forward. This is a complicated thing to answer, as the coping mechanism for each person can vary. Victims of sexual assault tend to feel emotions such as shame, fear, and blame. They may even minimize what happened, in an attempt to cope with the awful treatment. If you or someone you love has remained silent over a sexual assault incident, please know that there are people who can help you and that you are not alone.
Contact a Pennsylvania Sexual Abuse Lawyer Today
Please contact our law firm immediately if you need assistance seeking justice for sexual assault. Call us to schedule an appointment with a sexual abuse lawyer in Philadelphia PA at Wieand Law Firm, so we can get started fighting for your healing today.

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