


Nursing Home Emotional Abuse Lawyer

Nursing home lawyerA nursing home emotional abuse lawyer can file a lawsuit for emotional abuse to an older adult that happens at a nursing home or assisted living facility. Often this abuse takes the form of yelling, threatening, or belittling the older adult that harms their mental health and well-being. A nursing home emotional abuse lawyer can sue for emotional pain and help you seek justice for their suffering.

What is nursing home emotional abuse?

Nursing home emotional abuse occurs when someone, usually a staff member or other resident, acts in a way to bring emotional distress to a resident. Emotional abuse can look like:

  • Cursing at the resident
  • Isolating the resident from others
  • Threating them with harm
  • Yelling or shouting
  • Mocking their disabilities
  • Calling the resident derogatory names
  • Intimidating the resident
  • Ignoring resident concerns or their requests for assistance
  • Belittling or ridiculing the resident
  • Speaking badly about the resident in public to humiliate them
  • Preventing access to equipment, such as walkers, wheelchairs, telephones, or hearing aids, needed for mobility or communication

Warning Signs of Emotional Abuse

A nursing home emotional abuse lawyer understands that it can be hard to tell if your loved one is being emotionally abuse. If you suspect emotional abuse, look for theses warning signs:

  • Changes in appetite or sleep patterns
  • A change in their personality that was not present before, such as anxiety, depression, or episodes of anger
  • Withdrawing from social activities they previously enjoyed
  • The resident appears or insinuates that they are afraid of a staff member or other resident


Proving Nursing Home Emotional Abuse

A nursing home emotional abuse lawyer can help gather evidence to support your case. Evidence will be needed to establish liability and file a lawsuit. Potential evidence for your case may include:

  • Medical records from the nursing home
  • Statements from witnesses of the abuse
  • Video or audio evidence of the abuse. Speak with a nursing home lawyer prior to attempting audio or video recordings at a nursing home to determine if the laws of your state permits recordings.

The nursing home emotional abuse lawyer at the Wieand Law Firm can help you navigate the complex legal environment and take action when emotional abuse causes harm to your loved one.


Contact a Nursing Home Emotional Abuse Lawyer at the Wieand Law Firm Today

The lawyers at the Wieand Law Firm are staunch advocates for the rights of nursing home residents and their families. We don’t tolerate any type of nursing home abuse, and you shouldn’t either. Nursing home emotional abuse can devastate a resident’s emotional well-being, and it is often coupled with other types of abuse. Contact our lawyers for a free consultation. Our attorneys will review your case and advise you of the legal options at your disposal. Because we work on a contingency fee basis, we don’t earn a fee unless we win money for you.

Call 215-666-7777 or send us a message via the online form today to speak directly with an attorney.


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