


Birth Injury Lawyer New Jersey

Birth Injury Lawyer New Jersey Birth Injury Lawyer New Jersey

An experienced New Jersey birth injury lawyer can attest to the fact that the right prenatal care is absolutely essential and ensures the health and wellbeing of the fetus and mother. When a doctor or nurse administers care that is inadequate or dangerous, it could increase the risk of a birth injury. In general, this type of care is not intentional, but often the result of organizational issues, structural problems, miscommunication, patient overload, fatigue, or natural human error. 

Even so, when a fetus or newborn is injured because of poorly administered neonatal care, the parents may have the right to recover monetary compensation. Filing a claim or lawsuit against a doctor, nurse, medical professional, or hospital might feel difficult, and it often is, especially without a trusted New Jersey birth injury lawyer by your side. However, if a birth injury has left you with copious amounts of bills and unanswered questions, you should talk with Wieand Law Firm, LLC, a birth injury lawyer that New Jersey relies on. 

Prenatal Care in a Hospital or Clinic
Prenatal care goes beyond meeting with your doctor about information and advice during your pregnancy (although this is a good idea). Rather, it involves many elements, such as:

  • Monitoring the baby’s heart rate
  • Monitoring the mother’s weight and blood pressure
  • Measuring the baby’s growth
  • Watching out for symptoms of preeclampsia
  • Monitoring the baby’s position in the womb
  • Taking blood tests
  • +More

Each of these things are very important and will help to ensure that the baby is developing as it should, and that mom and baby are doing okay. When they are not performed correctly, or at all, the risk of a birth injury may increase. When this happens, a New Jersey birth injury lawyer should be sought. 

Negligence During Prenatal Care
As a birth injury lawyer serving New Jersey, we know of cases that have involved the following types of negligence:

  • Failing to order tests that may diagnose medical conditions in the mother
  • Failing to diagnose HELLP syndrome (A life-threatening complication of pre-eclampsia)
  • Failure to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy
  • Failure to diagnose infections or diseases
  • Negligent care and treatment
  • Prescribing dangerous medications (ex. SSRIs)

If there is a problem with the baby, and it goes undiagnosed, or the mother has an underlying issue that should be medically attended to, the child may be harmed. In the event of the medical professional not taking the right action, our New Jersey birth injury lawyers share that they could be liable. 

Filing for Monetary Compensation After Prenatal Care Lead to a Birth Injury
If you are the parent of a child who was injured at birth, and you believe that a doctor, or otherwise medical professional, is to blame, you may be able to take legal action with an experienced New Jersey birth injury lawyer. The majority of doctors will carry medical malpractice insurance that covers injury and harm caused by their negligence. It is important to understand that filing a medical malpractice claim for a birth injury is not a punishment. Rather it acts as a means to recovering monetary compensation to provide the care your child now needs. 

At Wieand Law Firm, LLC, we empathize with what you may be going through and would like to help you resolve the situation. Although compensation won’t change what happened, it may bring some kind of closure. For a consultation with a birth injury lawyer based in New Jersey, call Wieand Law Firm, LLC. 

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