


Defective Tire Lawsuits – PA Tire Blowout Lawyers

Have you or someone you know has been injured in an accident that resulted from a defective tire, you should consult the PA tire blowout lawyers from Wieand Law Firm, LLC for a consultation regarding your ability to file a defective tire lawsuit.

A defective tire on any type of vehicle can cause an abrupt failure, such as sidewall failure, tread separation, and a blowout. Sadly, when a failure like this occurs, it can result in a very bad accident, especially when the vehicle is on the expressway. Defective tires also have the potential to cause secondary failures including defective airbags, seat belt failures, collapsing roof, and more. The Department of Transportation claims that nearly 9 percent of road accidents in the U.S. are caused by tire failure. These accidents are known to have caused tens of thousands of injuries, as well as hundreds of deaths. Unfortunately, some of these accidents could have been prevented, but yet happened because the car was fitted with defective tires. If this might have been the reason for your accident, please call a PA tire blowout lawyer as soon as possible.

Police Reports Might Not Include a Defective Tire as the Cause

Although driver error is a common cause for a vehicular accident, it is not the only one. Even if a driver’s error might look like it is the cause of the accident, it might not be. Sometimes a police officer will fail to miss small details that indicate a tire blowout rather than an error on the driver’s part. If this is the case, the defective tire could have led to the blowout; thereby, resulting in the driver to lose control of the car. More than likely, as a PA tire blowout lawyer might explain, the driver would not be 100 percent at fault for the accident. In the event of you filing a defective tire lawsuit in Pennsylvania, your lawyer might seek compensation from the tire company rather than the driver.

Why Choose Wieand Law Firm, LLC

Following an accident involving a defective tire you may feel confused about what you should do at this point. Before you speak to any party, and before you accept a settlement offer that may be presented to you with haste, you should ask a PA tire blowout lawyer for their opinion about your case.

At Wieand Law Firm, LLC, we have handled a broad range of liability claims and lawsuits, including those that involve serious injuries and deaths after a defective tire blowout. A few reasons to choose us to be your legal advocate include:

We handle 99% of all cases on contingency
We will gather as much concrete evidence as possible
We can track down the tire, the vehicle, and its parts and have then safeguarded in a facility where they do not risk being destroyed
We will be ready to hire leading tire blowout experts
Apart from the tires, we will ask our engineers to examine the roof, airbags, seatbelts, locks, and any other equipment that may have contributed to the injuries
We can handle the insurance companies and defending parties
We can assist in arranging a medical lien or treatment in the event you’re unable to cover the costs of your care

For an immediate case review with a PA tire blowout lawyer, call Wieand Law Firm, LLC.

Client Testimonial

Review: 5/5
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“I highly recommend the Wieand Law Firm. Brent’s team of professionals are diligent, responsive, and always had my interests at heart.”
-William Cunningham

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