


3M Combat Earplug Lawyers in New Jersey

3M Combat earplug lawyers in New JerseyWieand Law Firm LLC: Getting Justice for Military Service Members

Our 3M combat earplug lawyers in New Jersey assist veterans and active service members who were injured when using a certain model of 3M Company earplugs. If you served in Afghanistan or Iraq between 2003 and 2015 and were issued dual-ended Combat Arms earplugs, you may be eligible to seek compensation from 3M Company. Wieand Law Firm LLC assists injured victims in receiving settlements as compensation for their damages. Experienced 3M combat earplug lawyers in New Jersey from our firm can pursue civil litigation against the manufacturer. Contact us without delay if you would like to know more during a complimentary consultation with our legal team.

The Liability of 3M Company

A competitor of 3M Company, Moldex-Metric, Inc. filed a whistleblower lawsuit against 3M in May of 2016. The U.S. Justice Department eventually joined the lawsuit as a co-plaintiff. Their suit alleged that 3M knowingly and falsely represented the effectiveness of their dual-ended Combat Arms earplugs. According to the complaint, this particular model of 3M earplugs has likely caused injuries to many thousands of American soldiers who served overseas in the conflict areas mentioned earlier. Specifically, the most prevalent injuries are tinnitus and hearing loss.

The civil lawsuit against 3M Company was dismissed after the manufacturer agreed to pay the U.S. Justice Department a $9.1 million settlement for the false statements they made about their Combat Arms earplugs. However, no monies from the settlement were paid to those injured by the defective product. As a result, many service members have chosen to pursue civil litigation on their own in order to recover their damages. Wieand Law Firm LLC and our 3M combat earplug lawyers in New Jersey can help you achieve this goal.

The Nature of the Earplugs Defect

As part of the lawsuit against 3M Company, the plaintiffs alleged that the manufacturer was aware of the defective nature of the earplugs. Specifically, the earplugs did not properly seat inside the ear because their length was too short. An additional issue was that the earplugs loosened in the ear, allowing destructive sounds and vibrations to enter the ear canal and cause significant damage. Because service members who are in battle are subject to gun fire, large weapons fire, and other potentially harmful sounds, the defective nature of the earplugs is of great concern. Damage to the eardrum is often permanent. Those who were injured in this way have suffered as a result and deserve compensation for their suffering and lessened quality of life.

How a Settlement from 3M Company Can Make a Difference

Even for those service members who suffered irreparable damage from wearing Combat Arms earplugs, a substantial settlement from 3M Company can be helpful. While it’s true that money cannot make up for the loss or damage to one’s hearing, it can make other things possible. For instance, it can make it possible for the service member to afford additional medical care that the Veterans Administration benefits does not cover. Alternately, it can make it possible for them to afford alternative care options. A settlement can also make it possible to afford items that can enhance their quality of life such as electronic devices to “hear” television, phone calls, and more.
To learn if you are a good candidate for seeking a settlement from 3M Company, contact us today. Our 3M combat earplug lawyers in New Jersey provide injury victims a no-cost consultation.

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