


Philadelphia Slip and Fall Lawyer

Slip and Fall Lawyer Philadelphia, PA

Slip and Fall Lawyer Philadelphia PAAs a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer from The Wieand Law Firm, LLC, can tell you these accidents can have devastating consequences.  Slip and fall injuries are some of the most common injuries, accounting for nearly three million emergency department visits a year.  About 1 in 5 falls result in serious injuries, such as a traumatic fracture or head trauma. As a result, falls are also one of the top twenty expensive medical conditions with an average hospitalization cost of approximately $30,000.

The circumstances surrounding your slip and fall accident will be unique to your situation, which can lead a lot of people to feel frustrated not knowing if they can file a claim or receive compensation. These accidents can happen almost anywhere including slipping on a puddle in a hotel lobby or tripping over uneven pavement outside of a hospital. However, there are many common questions after a slip and fall accident that can help you determine the steps for filing a claim and what you should do immediately following the accident.

It is extremely common to come across certain signs in department stores, at restaurants, or even in the produce aisles of your groceries stores. “Caution: Wet Floor” or “Warning: Slippery When Wet” signs many stores have on display. These signs can be incredibly helpful to people who would not otherwise notice a puddle of liquid or a patch of ice that can cause serious damage. However, not all dangerous areas like these are marked, and when they are left for the pedestrian to notice on their own, many people become the victim of a slip and fall accidents. These types of accidents can be extremely dangerous.

You may think you are left with a simple bruise on your hip or a small cut on your hand, but a doctor should properly check out any type of injury sustained after a slip and fall accident on someone else’s property. Below, we have common questions regarding slip and fall accidents and the next steps after the accident has occurred. If you would like to speak with a slip and fall lawyer today, contact Wieand Law Firm, LLC now!

Philadelphia Slip and Fall Lawyer

Traits To Look For in a Slip and Fall Lawyer

Getting hurt in a slip and fall accident can be a massive financial drain. The injury you sustain might be expensive to treat. Moreover, there could be life-altering consequences that prevent you from working. The best path to economic relief is sometimes launching a lawsuit. If this is the situation you’re in, you need a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer who can effectively argue your side during a trial. Here are a few characteristics you want in a legal representative.

Relevant Experience

Attorneys without a history of dealing with these cases are bound to perform less well than those who do. The legal eagles at Wieand Law Firm, for instance, have an extensive history of addressing such matters. They know what it takes to convince a jury why the defendant should be held responsible for your injury. Choose a team that has had success with cases similar to yours.

Natural Compassion

When seeking a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer, you don’t want someone who’s merely thinking about the final dollar figure that’s on the table. You need a person who gets the human dimension to what’s transpired. Discussing these tender situations may be emotional. Find someone who makes you feel comfortable when retelling your story. Attorneys at the Wieand Law Firm can be shoulders to cry on as much as founts of savvy legal advice.

Relentless Attitude

When it comes to legal battles, the winning side must have a can-do mentality. Without one, the odds of prevailing sink much lower. Unexpected difficulties are bound to surface. Select a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer who is ferocious and will never quit, no matter what obstacles crop up. Look potential representatives in the eye and use your intuition to determine whether there’s a fire for winning alight in that person’s soul.

Realistic Perspective

You’ve been through enough already. The last thing you need is to have your expectations for financial compensation shattered. The Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer you hire needs to have a reasonable perspective about how much you might win, not to mention your chances of prevailing before a judge. The unfortunate truth is there may not be ample evidence proving the guilty party is responsible for your situation. Settling out of court might be the wisest option. Netting a smaller amount through mediation is far better than enduring a long, drawn-out trial and getting nothing.

Finding the right attorney to represent you can be a challenge, but it’s essential. Seek a legal professional who embodies the above traits before filing.

Was It My Fault?

This will, of course, depend on the circumstances revolving around the slip and fall accident. If there was appropriate signage to warn you to stay away from the dangerous area until management properly assessed and fixed it but you chose to put yourself in danger anyway, you might not have a claim to make. However, if there was no warning about the dangerous area and your accident injured you, it likely was not your fault.

What Commonly Causes Slip and Fall Accidents?

A serious medical event with significant medical costs requires a seasoned slip and fall lawyer who can obtain the possible compensation for your injuries. There are many causes of slip and fall accidents. Some of the most common are:

  • Spilled drinks or wet food
  • Holes in the ground
  • Poor or broken lighting
  • Carpeting that is missing, torn, or raised
  • Broken safety guards, stairs, or handrails
  • Unsalted ice or snow
  • Problems in the pavement including holes or uneven surfaces

Common Injuries

Brent Wieand, Esq, a slip and fall lawyer with the Wieand Law Firm LLC, cites several common injuries associated with slip and fall accidents:

Hip Fractures

Over 90 percent of hip fractures are due to a fall trauma. Considered extremely dangerous to older adult, they are frequently fatal within a year. Hip fractures commonly result in nursing home placement in older adults – an expense that can be astronomical for long-term medical care.

Fractures or Sprains

Legs, arms, wrists, ankles, and other body parts can become compromised during a slip and fall accident. A slip and fall lawyer can help delineate and demonstrate the full scope of the injury to obtain the compensation that truly reflects the cost of the injury.  This may include medical and rehabilitation expenses as well as lost time from work.

Traumatic Brain Injuries/Head Trauma

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can have life-changing consequences and require an extensive amount of medical and physical rehabilitation that occurs over months or years.  Traumatic brain injuries can impact multiple functional areas, including cognitive function, motor function, sensation, and emotion. The impact of these injuries may impact an individual’s ability to continue employment or even perform activities of daily living.  A slip and fall injury lawyer can understand the significant and sometimes life-long impact of these injuries and seek just compensation.

Proving Negligence

To demonstrate that your slip and fall injury occurred due to someone else’s negligence, you will need to prove that the property owner knew, or should have known, about the dangerous condition and failed to address it properly. You will need to demonstrate the reasonableness of the property owner’s action or inaction. For example, a reasonable property owner should have a routine standard of cleaning for floors. Additionally, a property owner who fails to address a broken step several months after notification may not be considered reasonable.

If the injured party’s actions contributed to the accident, they may be considered partially liable.  As such, if the individual slipped on a wet floor while texting, personal carelessness may be a contributing factor to the accident.  Situations like these may still be eligible for compensation, but the settlement or verdict may be reduced due to the partial responsibility of the injured party.  

Where Might You Suffer a Slip and Fall?

An accident can take place at just about anytime, and you could suffer a slip and fall. If this happens, you might get back up and be just fine; however, it is also possible that you could suffer serious injuries. In this situation, it is important to rely on an experienced Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer, such as an attorney from the Wieand Law Firm, who can help you. What are some of the most common locations where a slip and fall accident might occur? 

A Local Store

One of the first places where you may suffer a slip and fall is at a local store. When you walk into the store, you expect the staff to take care of their floors. Unfortunately, if someone spilled something, it might not always be marked. As a result, you could slip and fall, seriously injuring yourself. Though you should keep your eyes open for signs, you also expect the store to clean up any spills.

Your Workplace

You might also suffer a slip and fall at your workplace. Similar to a local business, you expect your employer to take care of your work area. Sometimes, there might be a problem with the stairs, or someone might have spilled something in the kitchen. Again, while you should be careful, your employer should also promote a safe work environment. If you take a fall, your employer might not have done his or her duty. That is why you should contact a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer. 

The Sidewalk

Sometimes the local sidewalks might not be properly taken care of. If a winter storm happened recently, there could be snow and ice on the sidewalk. Sometimes, local business owners or property owners are responsible for the sidewalks in front of or on their property. Therefore, they should either mark the sidewalk or remove the snow and ice. Otherwise, you could slip and fall. You should reach out to a lawyer to see who was responsible for taking care of the sidewalks. 

Call a Slip and Fall Lawyer for Help

There are plenty of situations where you might suffer a slip and fall accident. The first thing you should do is visit a local doctor. You need to make sure you have not suffered any injuries. Then, do not forget to contact a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer, such as an attorney from the Wieand Law Firm, who can conduct a full investigation and pursue compensation on your behalf.

What to Do After Slip and Fall

As a team of slip and fall lawyers, we tell our clients all the time there are a few steps to take after your fall that are critical. Not only will they help ensure that you can heal from your injuries as soon as possible, but they can help you prepare for making a claim.

Step 1: Report It

If you are in stable condition, before you leave the property you should report the accident to the manager or supervisor of the property. If you do not report an accident, a manager will not know that there is (a) A dangerous area on their property or (b) That an accident even occurred. When you do speak with the manager, they should also write up some type of accident report. This is crucial when making a slip and fall claim.

Step 2: Document the Scene

This can be essential to your claim. Photographs of the accident scene can show that the slip and fall accident did not happen because of your own negligence. Instead, it happened because of something that was dangerous on the property that the owner failed to fix. Important things to note as you document the scene are:

  • What specifically caused your fall?
  • Was the area dark or light?
  • Where did the accident take place, inside or outside?
  • Exactly how did the accident occur?
  • Were there hazard, warning, or danger signs to mark the area?
  • Was anyone else aware of the danger before your accident?

Step 3: Get the Medical Help You Need

Regardless of how you feel immediately following your slip and fall accident, it is never a waste of time or money to have a medical professional examine your injuries or the bodily area on which you fell. You might have obvious injuries like a broken arm or hip or severe bruising. You might even have signs of a concussion. Or, your injuries might not present symptoms for a few hours or days. A head trauma does not always show immediate signs of damage.

Step 4: Get Witness Information

If there was anyone else at the scene of the accident who saw what happened, they can be a crucial part of your testimony. Before leaving (unless you medically need to), get the names and contact information of any witnesses.  If there were witnesses to your accident, it is imperative that you get their names and contact information. Also, record what you were doing, what time your accident occurred, and what caused the accident to happen.

Step 5: Be Careful What You Say

Do not give statements to the property’s insurance company or even the manager. Let the manager know what happened, but discuss any details with your attorney.

Step 6: Contact a Philadelphia Slip and Fall Lawyer

After your accident, you might not be sure of which steps to take legally. If you have been hurt in a slip and fall injury, it’s important that you have the support of an Philadelphia, PA slip and fall lawyer this community counts on to pursue fair compensation for your physical injuries, pain, and suffering. 

Slip and Fall Lawyer Philadelphia Infographic

Steps to take after a slip an fall infographic

4 Common Slip-and-Fall Injuries

When most people think of slip-and-fall accidents, they think about mild injuries. After all, throughout the majority of your life, most falls probably didn’t result in serious injuries. What happens when one does? If you slip and fall on a patch of ice or fall onto a hard surface, you can seriously injure yourself. Here are four of the most common slip-and-fall injuries.

Knee Injuries

Your knees are a complex blend of bone and ligament. When you fall, you could wind up with worse injuries than a skinned knee. As you fall, your knee could twist and in its twisted state would suffer the brunt of your weight falling to the ground. This could tear ligaments or dislocate your knee. It is possible to need reconstruction after a slip-and-fall accident.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

When you fall, you do not have to hit your head to have a traumatic brain injury. As you hit the ground, your brain may receive a jolt. This is dangerous and you may not recognize how bad the injury is until later. If you do not have your TBI looked at right away, then it can grow more serious over time. You could have headaches that last for months at a time. If you hit your head when you fall or if you feel dazed, confused or present with a headache, you should see a doctor as soon as possible to rule out a TBI.

Sprained Wrists and Ankles

One of the most common injuries you could have when you fall is a sprained ankle or wrist. If you were to fall on an uneven stair, you could land on your twisted ankle. This could result in a sprain or even a break of the ankle. Also, when a person falls, he or she will tend to put their arms out to cushion the fall. When you do this, your full weight lands on your hands and can twist and strain your wrist. Due to the lack of blood flow, sprains and strains take time to heal.

Spine or Nerve Damage

Slip-and-fall injuries can result in devastating medical costs, lost wages and pain and suffering. If you were the victim of a slip-and-fall accident because of someone else’s negligence, you might have a right to compensation. Set up an appointment and consult with a slip-and-fall lawyer as soon as possible to find out more about how to file a personal injury claim.

Philadelphia Slip and Fall Accidents Statistics – 2022 Update

Slip and Fall Statistics in the US

Accidents involving slips and falls are among the leading causes of workplace injuries across all industries. These accidents can range from minor to severe and can affect people of all ages. According to the National Safety Council, 15% of workplace injuries are caused by slips and falls. On average, 25,000 slip and fall accidents occur daily in the US. Slip and fall accidents can happen at any location, and at any time.
Depending on how and where they fall, these types of accidents can have varying impacts. There may be minor injuries, or the person may need emergency medical attention. It is important to understand your legal options if you or someone you love has been injured in a slip and fall accident.
You can trust our team to help you obtain the maximum compensation for your slip and fall injuries. After a slip and fall accident, it is important to get help from a slip and fall lawyer. A lawyer is able to ensure that you have gathered the necessary evidence for your claim and followed the proper steps to ensure a successful outcome. Moreover, they can assist you in determining if your settlement is fair and equitable.
You can rely on us to listen to your individual situation and provide expert advice for action. To receive a free, no-obligation consultation with our PA slip and fall lawyers in Philadelphia, contact Wieand Law Firm, LLC today at 215-666-7777.

Why Slip and Falls Happen

Slip and fall accidents can happen at any location, and at any time. The impacts of these types of accidents can vary by person depending on how and where they fell. A person may get up with minor scratches and bruises, or they may need emergency medical attention. If you or someone you love has been injured because of a slip and fall accident, it is important to understand your legal options. Our team is knowledgeable about slip and fall accidents specifically, and are ready to help you receive the maximum compensation possible.

Here are the most common causes of slip and fall accidents:

Uneven and Wet Floors

Floor conditions are one of the top causes of slip and fall incidents. Property owners have a duty of care to visitors and must do what is within their power to reduce hazards and minimize risks.  A property owner may be held liable for injuries, damages, and losses that a victim suffers if they did not attend to a hazard promptly enough or fix it completely.  Floor conditions that can leave people vulnerable to getting hurt include:

  • Uneven pavement, flooring, or surfaces without proper warning signs
  • Recently polished or wax floors
  • Crumpled or loose rugs, flooring, or mats  (including stairs)
  • Unsalted icy surfaces
  • Spills that did not not get cleaned up
  • Splashed oil or grease
  • Potholes in parking lots
  • Items caught in carpets or rugs that may catch on shoes
  • Not utilizing sufficient barriers to close off wet areas
  • Fallen products in shopping aisles

Corrective measures that a property owner may have to perform include maintaining pavements, mopping up wet floors or spills, removing snow or ice from walkways, utilizing non-skid materials when appropriate, cleaning up excess moisture, and observing weather conditions to foresee any potential hazards and then taking action against them.

Weak Ladders or Stairs

Unsafe ladders and stairs can quickly cause a slip and fall accident. Examples of hazardous factors that can increase the likelihood of a slip-and-fall happening are: lack of handrails, rushing when taking the stairs, warped steps, skipping steps when traveling down or up the stairs, trash or debris, polish or waxed stairs without non-skid pads, not securing a ladder when in use, using a chair or the furniture item instead of a ladder, not using existing handrails, or a lack of handrails entirely. Always use a ladder in the correct manner to reduce the chances of a fall.

Poor Safety Practices

There are specific jobs that are more at risk for a slip-and-fall injury accident, especially if safety practices are not followed, and these include: construction workers, manual workers, chefs and kitchen staff, custodial staff, housekeepers, factory workers, and more.  To ward against slip and fall accidents in a work environment, employees must receive training on how to use necessary equipment and tool items. Workers must be provided what they need to stay safe while performing job duties.

Common Falling Injuries and What Causes Them

The world can be a little dangerous sometimes. Slipping and falling can and does occur in a variety of public places. These types of accidents generally cause injury, often serious. If you are injured in a slip and fall accident, you may be able to file a lawsuit to be compensated for medical expenses and pain and suffering. There are some very common situations that cause you to slip and fall.

Common Causes of Falling Accidents

If you are injured due to negligence you should hire a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer. The Wieand Law Firm can provide a qualified attorney. Some of the most common causes of slip and falls include:

  • Wet Floors – Common in supermarkets and other retail stores, puddles and wet spots often collect on floors that have been cleaned or have had something spill on them. There may or may not be a warning sign on the dangerous area. 
  • Ice or Snow Patches – Unsalted patches of ice and snow can happen on sidewalks or paved pathways.
  • Loose Carpeting – A piece of carpet that is not secured to the floor can easily trip a passerby.
  • Holes or Uneven Pavement – Concrete, asphalt, and other types of paving material can develop cracks or holes that present a hazard.

Common Slip and Fall Injuries

The Wieand Law Firm often sees the type of injuries that require a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer. The most common of these include:

  • Fractures – Falling and landing on a hard surface can fracture bones in pretty much any part of the body. Joints are especially vulnerable.
  • Hip Injuries – Hips are perhaps the body part most often fractured in a slip and fall accident. It’s a common landing area that can be easily damaged, especially in senior citizens or people with reduced bone mass.
  • Sprains – Ankles, wrists, and knees can easily be sprained in a fall. Joints can also be dislocated which is painful and can require surgery. 
  • Head Injuries – Landing on one’s head in a falling accident can cause severe injury. Concussions and brain trauma are possible and can cause permanent damage. A Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer can help you sue for compensation for the loss of your quality of life.

Slipping and falling can happen in many places and be caused by several hazardous conditions. If you fall and are injured, contact a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer who can help you get the compensation you are entitled to.

What Else Can I Do?

Getting help from a slip and fall lawyer is important after a slip and fall accident. An attorney can ensure that you have collected the necessary evidence for your claim and followed the appropriate steps to ensure your claim can go through properly. They can also determine if you are receiving a fair and proper settlement.

Our team will take the time to listen to your individual situation and provide the expert advice you need to act. To speak with our PA slip and fall lawyers in Philadelphia, contact Wieand Law Firm, LLC today at 215-666-7777 to receive a free, no obligation consultation.

Contact Us Wieand Law Firm LLC.

Benefits of Hiring a Slip and Fall Lawyer

If you were injured in a slip and fall accident, you may wonder if you should hire a lawyer or not. Although you’re not required to work with a lawyer, it is in your best interest to do so. Here are a few benefits of hiring a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer.

  • Improve your chances of obtaining a fair settlement. A slip and fall accident can result in high medical expenses, lost wages and other losses. This can easily cost tens of thousands of dollars. You should not have to pay that out of your own pocket. That is one reason to have a skilled slip and fall lawyer on your side. He or she will investigate the accident site, locate key witnesses and demonstrate the severity of your injuries through evidence. If you work with an experienced lawyer, you have a better chance of getting the settlement you deserve.
  • Explain your legal rights. After suffering a slip and fall accident, it is important to be aware of your legal rights. Unfortunately, not all accident victims have knowledge about their rights. That is what an experienced slip and fall lawyer is there for. He or she will inform you of your rights so that you don’t jeopardize your case. For example, your lawyer may tell you that you don’t have to speak to the defendant’s insurance company or provide a statement.
  • Handle communication with the insurance company. When you are injured in a slip and fall accident, the negligent party’s insurance company may try to contact you. While they may seem friendly at first, you must keep in mind that they do not have your best interests in mind. They care about the bottom line first and will try to get out of paying you what you truly deserve. A seasoned slip and fall lawyer, however, has experience communicating with insurance companies and won’t let them take advantage of you. He or she will handle all of the negotiations with them.
  • Reduce stress. Slip and fall accidents can result in many types of injuries, from head injuries to broken bones. They can also lead to emotional distress. You don’t need that added stress of handling your own accident claim. Leave that up to your lawyer and focus on your recovery.

Legal Assistance Is Available

It is important to avoid making any assumptions about the potential strengths and weaknesses of your case until your legal situation has been thoroughly assessed by the experienced Pennsylvania team at Wieand Law Firm, LLC. Far too often, slip or trip and fall accident victims assume that there is simply “nothing to be done” about their injuries. In reality, many of these accidents are legally actionable. After you’ve attended a risk-free consultation with our team, you’ll know whether your situation may entitle you to seek significant compensation at this time. Should you decide to move forward, our firm can provide you with any and all legal assistance that you may require. We look forward to speaking with you.

If you are wondering how to find a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer, one way to conduct this kind of search is to Google, slip and fall lawyer in Philadelphia, PA. Many people recommend internet searches as well as asking trusted friends and family members for referrals, seeking help from legal aid organizations, contacting Pennsylvania’s state bar association, and seeking out reviews of a slip and fall lawyer in Philadelphia, PA that you are thinking of hiring, to name just a few of the many ways people find the kind of lawyer they need.

Philadelphia Slip and Fall Lawyer

Slip and fall (and trip and fall) cases fall under the “personal injury” branch of civil law in the U.S. As our  Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer team can explain in more detail during a risk-free legal consultation, there are specific criteria that must be met in order for a personal injury case to succeed. In a nutshell, personal injury plaintiffs (injury victims or surviving loved ones of fatal injury victims) must generally prove that a defendant (party that allegedly caused the victim’s harm) engaged in negligent, reckless, or intentionally harmful behavior in ways that breached their “duty of care” owed to the victim under the law. This is a complex standard that applies differently under different circumstances.

Are There Any Special Considerations for Slip and Fall Cases?

Slip/trip and fall cases fall under the “premises liability” umbrella of personal injury law. This means that there are some special considerations that apply to these cases. Unlike general personal injury cases, premises liability matters, premises cases are not simply concerned with negligent, reckless, or intentionally harmful conduct. To hold someone responsible for a slip or trip and fall injury, the victim must generally establish that the defendant named in the case either knew about the dangerous condition on the property and negligently failed to address it or the defendant should have known or discovered the dangerous condition and properly addressed it prior to the circumstances that led to the victim’s slip or trip and fall injury.

Reasons People Need a Slip and Fall Lawyer

When you enter a private residence or business, you may have the natural expectation that the owner or management will have maintained the premises and you will not get injured while visiting them. Even though you tried to prevent and/or stop your trip and fall accident, you still had one because of insufficient warning signs or lighting, or numerous other hazardous situations. Now you’re injured and wondering how you will cover your financial losses, including medical treatment and lost wages?

If you are looking for a good Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer, there is a good chance that the experienced team at Wieand Law Firm, LLC will have a lawyer that is suited to your needs. We would like the opportunity to listen to what happened and to help you explore what your legal options might be. In general, when a duty of care exists, and that duty has been breached; thus leading to an injury, the responsible party can be liable. We will work hard to prove this liability for your accident and injury.

If you are the victim of a slip and fall accident that was caused by another person or party’s negligence, Wieand Law Firm, LLC is ready to help you. If negligence is a factor of what caused your injury, we will explain what you can do to recover your damages. For a free consultation with a slip and fall lawyer in Philadelphia, PA you can trust, contact Wieand Law Firm, LLC.

Maintaining the Premises of a Company or Business

Slip and fall accidents are one of the most common injuries we know after those that are the result of car accidents. A majority of slip and fall accidents are preventable but occur because the property owner or manager breached a duty of care. This is also known as negligence, and may include:

  • Failure to maintain the premises
  • Failure to warn or notify visitors of a possible hazard
  • The owner or management of the premises knew about a hazard, but did nothing to fix it i.e. the owner or management was negligent in their duty of care) 

If you have been injured because of a slip and fall accident, the sooner you call a reputable Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer, the sooner they may be able to start protecting your rights.

Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall

Following a slip and fall, it is often recommended that you:

  • Get medical treatment
  • Follow your doctor’s orders
  • If possible, take photos of the scene where you were injured and anything else that might be relevant to your injury claim 
  • Get contact information from as many witnesses as you can (if there was one or more) 
  • Report the accident to the owner or management
  • Be mindful of what you say, and stick to the facts only
  • Keep a log about your injuries and what occurs after the accident
  • Call a lawyer

Many slip and falls involve conditions that were temporary to begin with, such as a poorly marked sidewalk where repairs are needed or are being made, or a situation that was covered up by the owner right after the accident so as to avoid taking any responsibility for what happened, such as fixing a broken stair rail or filling in a pot hole in a sidewalk.

A Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer that is experienced with successfully defending the rights of Philadelphia slip and fall victims, will likely know what to look for to prove your claim and will thus be able to build a sound case for your claim. 

Call  Wieand Law Firm, LLC About Your Slip and Fall Accident

If you have grounds for a legal claim, you may be able to recover damages for your medical treatment, loss of income, pain, suffering, emotional distress, and more. 
It is recommended you retain the services of an experienced law firm who can navigate the legal system for you on your behalf. By doing so, you can feel confident in knowing your rights and interests will be protected. Moreover, an experienced lawyer can help you get full compensation for your injuries and losses. If you or someone close to you has been injured because of someone else’s neglect, a reputable Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer may be able to help.

Philadelphia Slip and Fall Accidents

Unfortunately, slip and fall accidents can happen almost anywhere They can occur because of many, many different reasons such as, from a waiter spilling liquid on the floor or your workplace having uneven pavement right outside their building, to name just two common causes of slip and fall accidents. 
Regardless of what caused your Philadelphia accident, a slip and fall lawyer in Philadelphia, PA may be able to help you file a claim against the business or person that caused it. 

Common Questions After a Slip and Fall Accident

Common question people often have after a slip and fall accident that they were injured in, include but are not limited to:

  • What do insurance companies look at when determining a settlement? 
  • How is this type of case settled? 
  • Is a slip and fall accident always the sole responsibility of the property owner? 
  • How are compensation amounts determined?  
  • Does the amount of an award or settlement vary depending upon the type of injury and medical bills the victim has? 

What Should I Know About Slip and Fall Accidents?

If you have been hurt in a slip and fall accident, you could be eligible for financial compensation, as a Philadelphia slip and fall accident lawyer knows. Slip and fall accidents can be dangerous and life-threatening, but they can happen in the blink of an eye. Brain injuries, bruises, fractures and broken bones are just a few of the injuries you can sustain in a slip and fall accident. As a Philadelphia, PA-based slip and fall accident lawyer like one from Wieand Law Firm, LLC can tell you, if a negligent party is to blame for your slip and fall accident, you should not hesitate to talk to a lawyer if you want to recover monetary compensation for your losses. 

How do I report a slip and fall? 

If you hope to recover compensation after a slip and fall accident, you need to report the accident immediately. Right after the accident, see the property owner of the business or premises and notify them of what occurred. Fill out an incident report so that the owner will have it on record that you took action immediately after it happened. 

What are common types of slip and fall scenarios?

A slip and fall accident is classified as a premises liability case, so it covers a wide range of accidents. Many slip and falls are caused by slippery surfaces, such as wet food or spilled water or drinks. Others are caused by structural issues related to property damage, such as broken stairways, torn carpets, sidewalk cracks and faulty rails. 

Do I need to show medical records? 

After any accident, but especially a slip and fall, you should get medical attention. Since injuries from slip and fall accidents can be subtle, it can be difficult to notice the extent of the injury, such as in the case of concussions. You might not even feel any pain or notice any symptoms until a few days later. If you see a doctor right away, they will assess your condition and the medical report will serve as evidence of the injury. 

Who can be held liable?

Several parties can be held viable in a slip and fall accident. Property owners are responsible for ensuring their premises are safe for everyone entering it, and they may be held liable for injuries sustained on the property. Employees or agents can also be held liable if they knew about the hazard beforehand but failed to remove it. They need to check that there are no hazards, and if they do, they must dispose of the hazard right away. 

There are numerous types of slip and fall accidents that can result in a serious injury. If you suffered an injury after a slip and fall accident that was not your fault, an experienced slip and fall lawyer can offer you legal guidance and fight so that you can obtain compensation. Contact a skilled slip and fall lawyer in the Philadelphia, PA area now to receive urgent legal support.

If you have recently been injured as a result of a slip and fall or trip and fall on someone else’s property, it is important to speak with an attorney at Wieand Law Firm, LLC about your legal options as soon as you possibly can. “Why?” you may be asking. “Isn’t a fall ultimately an accident and, therefore, no one’s fault?” No-fault accidents do, indeed, happen all the time. However, accidents that could have been prevented also occur with alarming frequency. If your slip or trip and fall could have potentially been avoided, had the property owner, manager, or other party responsible for maintaining the property simply honored their duties under the law, you may have a cause for legal action.

What Kind of Damages Can I Receive?

Typically, the victim of a slip and fall accident may be awarded a variety of damages to compensate for expenses related to their injury and losses. This may include:

  • Medical Bills (past and future)
  • Property Damage
  • Pain And Suffering
  • Lost Wages and Future Earnings Loss or Loss of Earnings Capacity

Should I seek help from a slip and fall lawyer in Philadelphia, PA?

Liability and damages are big factors when considering the types of compensation a slip and fall victim should get. If you are unsure of who is fully responsible for your Pennsylvania slip and fall accident or if you would like help pursuing a claim, your situation may warrant the knowledge of a licensed Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer.

If you are trying to figure out how to find a slip and fall lawyer in Philadelphia, it may be a good idea to start by calling a highly rated slip and fall lawyer in Philadelphia, PA, at the Wieand Law Firm, LLC, for a free case consultation with no obligations.

When you enter a private residence or business, you may have the natural expectation that the owner or management will have maintained the premises; thereby, reducing the chances of something going wrong, as a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer you can find. It’s common for most people to assume that a store, restaurant, or other property they enter will have undergone the necessary maintenance to prevent accidents. Unfortunately, sometimes management or staff fails to take the right precautions, and as a result, someone ends up sustaining an injury. Perhaps you never intended to slip and fall, but you did because of insufficient warning signs or lighting. Now you’re injured and wondering how you will cover your financial losses, including medical treatment and lost wages. 

As a Philadelphia, PA slip and fall lawyer, we understand your concerns and would like to listen to what happened so you know what your legal options might be. Some factors may make you hesitant to proceed with litigation, such as the time and energy that goes into the litigation process.  In general, when a duty of care exists, and that duty has been breached; thus leading to an injury, the responsible party can be liable. You have the right to take legal action and seek compensation for the injury. If you have any questions at all regarding your case, you are welcome to ask them. We want to help you become more informed about how slip and fall claims are pursued.

Slip and fall accidents may be easy to recover from most of the time, but for some people they can have devastating consequences. They can occur easily, and though slip and fall incidents don’t always result in the victim sustaining serious injury, they can be life-changing for others who are more vulnerable, such as elderly or physical disabled individuals. A slip and fall can cause severe injuries such as hip fractures that may require expensive surgery or long-term hospitalization. 

Should you be the victim of a slip and fall accident,  Wieand Law Firm, LLC, is ready to help you. If negligence is a factor, we will explain what you can do to recover your damages. For a consultation with a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer families trust, call  Wieand Law Firm, LLC.

For more information on slip and fall settlements, please reach out to a trusted Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer at Wieand Law Firm, LLC.

Determining Who Is At Fault

If you decide to pursue a claim for a slip and fall injury, a lawyer may be able to help you determine who is at fault. Most slip and fall accidents occur as a result of dangerous conditions. There can be many parties responsible for keeping a premise safe. The responsibility to clean and maintain a property often lies with property owners, property management companies, security companies, cleaning companies, snow removal companies and business staff. After a fall, it is important to investigate who caused the tripping hazard and who may be liable for your injuries.

Many people recommend enlisting the help of a slip and fall lawyer in Philadelphia, PA to help you determine and then prove another party or party’s negligence, rather than trying to do this on your own.

How Does Negligence Affect My Case?

It is a claimant’s burden to prove that they were hurt because of the negligence of another party. When trying to settle a case, the victim will need to show the insurance company how their client’s negligence directly caused the victim’s injuries. At this stage, an insurance company will want to see if a reasonable person would have avoided the dangerous area (the presence of warning signs) or if the responsible party had enough time to fix the dangerous area. It is the responsibility of the plaintiff to prove that the liable party had a reasonable amount of time to fix the dangerous condition, and that their failure to do so caused his/her harms and losses. There are many things that make proving negligence in Pennsylvania difficult without the help of a licensed Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer.

What If I Am Partially Responsible?

If a slip and fall injury victim is partially at fault for the incident, this is known as contributory or comparative negligence. Some states bar awards for compensation to a plaintiff if they are partially responsible for the slip and fall accident. Other states, such as Pennsylvania, follow comparative negligence laws. In a comparative negligence jurisdiction, a jury may award the plaintiff a partial settlement depending on their proportionate liability for the incident. Depending on your particular situation, a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer may be able to help you to get a maximum amount of compensation for your injury even if your own negligence may be a partial cause of it.

What Injuries Stem From a Slip and Fall?

When you set foot in a business, you probably expect them to take care of their property. As a result, it can be a rude awakening when you slip and fall. Even though some falls might be innocuous, there are some situations where this could lead to a serious injury. If you have suffered a slip-and-fall injury, you need to reach out to a slip and fall lawyer in Philadelphia, PA, such as a lawyer from the Wieand Law Firm, who can assist you. What are a few examples of injuries you might suffer?

A Head Injury

If you slip on a wet spot in the store, you could strike the back of your head on the ground. As a result, you could be diagnosed with a serious head injury. For example, you might be diagnosed with a concussion. Or, you might be diagnosed with a cerebral contusion. Some head injuries could even require emergency surgery. That is why you should see a doctor as quickly as possible following a slip and fall accident.

A Back Injury

A slip and fall accident could also lead to a serious back injury. There are several back injuries you may suffer. One of the most common examples is a compression fracture. You may have fractured one or more of the vertebrae in your back. It is also possible that you could be diagnosed with a pinched nerve. This can cause shooting pains to travel throughout your body. A Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer can do a complete investigation and see if the owner of the property was neglectful. 

A Wrist Injury

When you fall, you probably extend your arms to protect yourself. Even though this could prevent a chest injury, it could also lead to a broken wrist. A fracture of the radius or ulna could occur in a slip and fall accident. You should see a doctor as soon as possible to make sure any bone fractures are properly diagnosed and treated. 

Contact a Slip and Fall Lawyer

Ultimately, there are a lot of injuries you may suffer in a slip and fall accident. Following this type of incident, you should reach out to a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer, such as an attorney from the Wieand Law Firm, who can assist you. You could be facing steep medical bills, and you could be entitled to compensation following the accident.

Five Misconceptions About Slip and Fall Accidents

Quicker Settlements Are Better

Quicker settlements are almost never better. You may have ongoing medical needs you don’t know about yet. You might have to miss more work than you’d anticipated. An early settlement wouldn’t take either of these into account. You’re not able to be paid on the same claim twice; contract language almost always includes a provision to that effect. A Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer, can help you determine when the best time to settle is.

You Should Give as Much Info as They Request to the Insurance Company

You’ve got to keep in mind that both your insurance company and the negligent party’s insurance company are in business to make money. They can only do that by denying claims. It would be easy for you to accidentally downplay your injuries, which they would use as evidence that you’re not as injured as your claim says. Simply refer any insurance adjuster who calls to your slip and fall lawyer in Philadelphia PA, then say goodbye and hang up the phone.

Doctor Visits Aren’t Necessary if You Didn’t Break a Bone

You should visit your doctor after any fall, even if you don’t have a broken bone. You may have soft tissue damage to your tendons, ligaments and muscles; a traumatic brain injury (TBI); internal injuries; or spinal injury. Any of those conditions could be with you for the rest of your life if you don’t have them treated properly. Once you know the lay of the land medically, you should call the Wieand Law Firm to talk about a personal injury claim.

Only Private Property Owners May Be Held Liable

In addition to private property owners being held liable, so can government entities, construction crews, maintenance workers and other employees. Personal injury cases can get complicated quickly. You want a slip and fall lawyer in Philadelphia PA, from the Wieand Law Firm on your side to help sort out who’s liable.

You Can’t Recover Damages if You Were Partially at Fault

In some states, including Pennsylvania, there are no-fault laws in place that state that as long as you weren’t more than 50% responsible for your accident, you can still recover damages. The amount of damages awarded will be reduced by the percentage the jury finds you liable for. Determining fault can get complicated, so it’s best if you speak with a slip and fall lawyer about your case.

Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall

If you have been a victim of a slip and fall incident, there are important steps you should take so that the incident is reported properly and your rights are protected. Following a slip and fall, you should consider the following:

  • Get medical treatment. It is recommended that you seek medical treatment immediately following a slip and fall so you have additional evidence from a physician or healthcare professional. 
  • Follow your doctor’s orders. To the of your ability, follow your doctor’s orders so you don’t risk making your injury worse. 
  • If possible, take photos of the scene and anything that may be relevant
  • Get the contact information of any witnesses. If you are able to, obtain a witness’ account of the fall. 
  • Report the accident to the owner or management. Make a formal complaint about what happened so they are aware and have it on their record. 
  • Be mindful of what you say, and stick to the facts only. 
  • Keep a log about your injuries and what occurs after the accident. Monitor your injuries and recovery time.
  • Call a lawyer. Consult with a lawyer so you are aware of what action steps to take next.

Many slip and falls involve conditions that were temporary or a situation that was covered up (poorly) by the owner after the accident so as to avoid taking any responsibility for what happened. Our Philadelphia slip and fall lawyers know what to look for in cases; thus, enabling us to build a sound case.

Maintaining the Premises of a Company or Business

As a Philadelphia personal injury lawyer, slip and fall accidents are one of the most common injuries we know of after car accidents. They can happen anywhere when you least suspect it, such as in the grocery store, movie theater, or restaurant. A majority of these accidents were preventable but occurred because the property owner or manager breached a duty of care. This is also known as negligence, and may include:

  • Failure to maintain the premises
  • Failing to warn or notify visitors of a possible hazard
  • The owner or management of the premises knew about a hazard but did nothing to fix it

Property owners are responsible for ensuring that their property is sufficiently maintained by legal standards, and any person who enters their establishment or space will not be at risk of becoming injured. If they are suspected to have committed negligence, victims have the right to file a claim against them. 

Call  Wieand Law Firm, LLC About Your Slip and Fall

If you have grounds for a legal claim, you may be able to recover damages for your medical treatment, loss of income, pain, suffering, emotional distress, and more. 

It is recommended you retain the services of an experienced law firm who can navigate the legal system for you on your behalf. By doing so, you can feel confident in knowing your rights and interests will be protected. Moreover, an experienced lawyer can help you get full compensation for your injuries and losses. Though you have the option of filing a claim without a lawyer, it may be more beneficial for you to obtain legal assistance. You may increase your chances of earning a higher amount of compensation if you have a lawyer fighting on your behalf. If you do not have a deep understanding of the claims process, you may also be at a disadvantage. You do not want to risk jeopardizing your chances of earning fair compensation. If you are ready to discuss your claim, please call a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer now.

The Effect of Warning Signs

As soon as you, or your lawyer, determines whether or not there should have been a sign, considerations as to how the sign might apply to injury liability must be thought through. In general, a warning sign must be visible to anyone passing by. Visible means that it is large enough to clearly see. The sign must be legible and accessible to anyone. If the sign is small or placed in an inconspicuous area, it may not constitute a warning sign. In this case, you may be able to recover compensation. 

How Can a Warning Sign Affect Liability in a Slip and Fall?

Everyone has strolled through a business and seen warning signs posted about a danger. Whether the danger is related to a wet floor after a rainstorm, a small step, or potentially falling objects on a construction site, warning signs exist to let those passing by know about a potential danger. Just because a warning sign has been posted does not necessarily mean a property owner will not be liable for a slip and fall (or trip and fall) that occurs as a result of these hazards. As a slip and fall lawyer in Philadelphia, PA might explain to you, there are a number of factors that must be considered in regards to how a sign might affect liability. 

Is a Warning Sign Always Required? 

It is important to understand that many property owners will choose to place a warning sign even though they are legally not required to. If a warning sign is not required, and one was placed anyways, there might not be any effect on liability. In order to hold a property owner liable, a Philadelphia, PA slip and fall lawyer will need to demonstrate negligence. This involves showing the owner owed you a duty of care, breached that duty of care, and as a result, you were harmed. If a warning sign was required, and was not posted, a lawyer may investigate the situation further to determine the next possible steps.

A Slip and Fall Lawyer in Philadelphia Answers You Frequently Asked Questions

If you are injured in a fall you should contact a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer residents rely on. Unfortunately, slip and fall accidents can happen almost anywhere, whether it is through a waiter spilling liquid on the floor or your workplace having uneven pavement right outside their building. After an incident has occurred, you may have the right to bring a slip and fall claim against the business or person caused your accident. People often want to know – what does an insurance look at when determining your settlement? How is this type of case settled? Is a slip and fall accident always the sole responsibility of the property owner? How is the amount of compensation determined?  Does it vary upon the type of injury and your medical bills? For more information on slip and fall settlements, please reach out to a trusted Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer from Wieand Law Firm, LLC now.

Determining Who Is At Fault

If you decide to pursue a claim for a slip and fall injury a lawyer can help you determine who is at fault. Most slip and fall accidents occur as a result of the dangerous condition of the premises. There can be many parties responsible for keeping the premises safe. The responsibility to clean and maintain a property often lies with property owners, property management companies, security companies, cleaning companies, snow removal companies, and business staff. After a fall, it is important to investigate who caused the tripping hazard and may be liable for your injuries. A Pennsylvania slip and fall lawyer can help you with this.

How Does Negligence Affect My Case?

It is a claimant’s burden to prove they were hurt because of the negligence of another party. When trying to settle a case, we will need to show the insurance company how their insured’s negligence directly caused your injuries. At this stage, an insurance company will want to see if a reasonable person would have avoided the dangerous area (the presence of warning signs) or if the responsible party had enough time to fix the dangerous area. It is the responsibility of the plaintiff to prove that the liable party had a reasonable amount of time to fix the dangerous condition and that failure to do so, caused his/her harms and losses.

What If I Am Partially Responsible?

If a slip and fall injury victim is partially at fault for the incident, this is known as contributory or comparative negligence. Some states bar awards for compensation to a plaintiff if they are partially responsible for the slip and fall accident. Other states, such as Pennsylvania, follow comparative negligence laws. In a comparative negligence jurisdiction, a jury may award the plaintiff a partial settlement depending on their proportionate liability for the incident.

What Kind of Damages Can I Receive?

Typically, the victim of a slip and fall accident may be awarded a variety of damages to compensate for their harm and losses. This may include:

  • Medical Bills (past and future)
  • Property Damage
  • Pain And Suffering
  • Lost Wages and Future Earnings Loss or Loss of Earnings Capacity

Why Were You Visiting the Property?

When you consult with a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer, you will be asked to explain your reasons for visiting the property. Your reason could impact how a warning sign affects injury liability. If you were visiting for business purposes, such as a customer in a shopping mall, you are considered an invitee. In this case you are owned a higher degree of care than for other types of visitors. 

If you were partaking in a birthday party at a child’s house, and slipped on a wet floor, you may be considered a licensee. In this case, the homeowner may be obligated to address and correct any dangers that existed. Whether you can recover compensation will depend on further details that will be discussed during your consultation. 

If you were trespassing, you may be considered a trespasser. In general, the property owner does not owe you any specific duty of care. 

Should you have been injured in a slip and fall accident, our firm would like to talk with you about a premise liability claim. Even if warning signs were present, you may be able to file a claim. These details can make slip and fall accidents complex cases, so it is important that you speak to a lawyer for a professional assessment of your account. Please contact our firm to learn more. 

The Process for a Slip and Fall Lawsuit

1. File the Lawsuit

The first part of a slip-and-fall lawsuit is to file the lawsuit itself. Your Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer, will file the paperwork in the courts, which will then be served to the owner of the property where you fell. This typically only occurs if your lawyer contacts the defendant and the defendant refuses to settle out of court.

2. Wait For an Answer

After your lawyer files the paperwork with the courts, you must wait for the defendant to answer. If the property owner answers, he will present his own version of what happened during your accident and may indicate that it was actually your fault and therefore not one that falls under the parameters of a personal injury lawsuit. 

3. Wait for the Discovery Process

Before a case goes in front of the judge, the two sides go through the discovery process. This is a formal process that allows the two sides to gather information, including obtaining affidavits or depositions, which are sworn written statements or sworn testimonies, respectively. These may be gathered from people who saw the accident or from expert witnesses. 

4. Go To Trial

If no settlement is reached during the other parts of the trial process, then you will go in front of the judge. As the plaintiff, you and your slip and fall lawyer in Philadelphia, PA, from Weiand Law Firm have the responsibility of proving that the property owner was responsible for your accident due to negligence. The judge and jury will hear all of the evidence that both the plaintiff and defendant have, then the jury will determine who is at fault. They will also need to decide how much money you are owed if you do win.  

5. Wait for the Settlement

If you win the court case, you will need to wait for the settlement. The defendant has a certain amount of time, typically up to 30 days, to send the settlement check. Since most of the time, a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer, is not paid until after the case, the check will go to your attorney from Wieand Law Firm. Your lawyer will remove his percentage of the settlement and deposit the rest directly into the bank account of your choosing. From there,  you can pay past medical bills and handle other finances that may have piled up during the course of your case.

Should I seek help from a slip and fall lawyer in Philadelphia, PA?

Clearly, liability and damages are huge factors when considering the types of compensation a slip and fall victim should get. If you are unsure of who is fully responsible for your injuries, or if you would like help pursuing a claim, call a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer  from Wieand Law Firm, LLC now. We want to help you get the compensation you deserve.

As a wet floors slip and fall lawyer in the Philadelphia, PA area that residents depend on can tell you, a brief moment of negligence can be life-changing. If a property is not maintained sufficiently, it can put anyone in the vicinity at risk of sustaining an injury. Property owners and managers have the responsibility to make sure their property is free of any hazards that may cause an injury to visitors or anyone passing by the location. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to a slip and fall accident, contact a lawyer who has had years of experience assisting clients and helping them earn the compensation they deserve. 

Wet Floors Slip and Fall Lawyer in Philadelphia, PA

A slip and fall incident may be fleeting, but it may leave victims with lasting injuries. They can be dangerous, especially if people do not notice them immediately. Whether it’s a small pool of water, large wire, or poorly maintained floors, an area with dangerous conditions that is not addressed and secured correctly can leave unsuspecting individuals with serious injuries. It is important that any hazard is removed properly and that the appropriate sign is placed in a good location, otherwise slip and fall incidents can occur. 

Certain individuals may be more affected by a slip and fall. If you are elderly, have a physical disability, or have a serious medical condition, a slip and fall can be especially harmful. 

Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

Several things can cause a slip and fall accident. Common causes include the following:

  • Broken pipes
  • Uneven surfaces
  • Spilled food or drinks
  • Poor lighting
  • Torn carpeting

How is Negligence Determined? 

By law, the manager or property owner of a property has the duty to make sure any hazards on their property are addressed and removed. They have to abide by established safety standards. 

It is important that signs warning of a hazard such as water or a recently cleaned area are clearly legible and visible enough to any person who enters the area. 

To prove a slip and fall occurred because of a person’s negligence, you have to prove that the person knew about the hazard or dangerous condition, then failed to address it. The specific action or lack of action taken by that person is examined to determine if they contributed to your injury. 

How to File a Report After a Slip and Fall

There are several types of claims you can file if you have suffered a sip and fall, as a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer can explain. If you experience a slip and fall, you should take the steps below:

  • Take photos
  • Seek medical treatment 
  • Get witness statements
  • Report the incident to the manager

Philadelphia Slip and Fall Lawyer FAQs

Slip and fall accidents can happen to anyone, so it’s important to know there’s a Philadelphia PA slip and fall lawyer you can trust. While these accidents may appear insignificant at first, slip and falls can result in serious injuries and have long-term consequences.

Whether it’s a workplace or a business setting, the dangers of slip and falls should not be underestimated. In this section, we’ll address common questions about slip and fall accidents, the importance of seeking compensation and how  a slip and fall lawyer can help. Read on to get started, and contact Wieand Law Firm LLC to see how we can help.

What Is A Slip And Fall Accident?

Slip and falls are pretty much exactly what they sound like. Any slip, trip, tumbles or falls in a workplace or business setting can count as a slip and fall injury. While these accidents may seem minor, they can actually be lead to serious injuries if left unchecked and unreported.

Why Should I Seek Compensation For A Slip And Fall Accident?

Slip and falls come with unseen dangers and potential long-term consequences. Even if you feel fine immediately after the accident, you may experience serious health issues or complications in the future that can be traced back to the initial fall. Seeking compensation ensures that you will be taken care of in the event of your injuries becoming more severe. Fortunately, a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer can help you fight back.

What Can A Slip And Fall Lawyer Do For Me?

An experienced slip and fall lawyer can assist you in getting the compensation you deserve. They will help you build a strong case by gathering evidence, assessing your damages, and navigating the complex legal process. They will provide you with the necessary information and support to ensure that you are not left in the dark during this challenging time.

What Should I Look For In A Slip And Fall Lawyer?

When choosing a slip and fall lawyer, it is important to find someone who is dedicated to your case and genuinely invested in your recovery. Look for a lawyer who doesn’t provide cookie-cutter solutions but takes a personalized approach. Meticulous case preparation, commitment to each client, and a solid track record are also important qualities to consider.

What Can A Lawyer Do To Secure Compensation?

A skilled slip and fall lawyer will use their expertise to build a strong case on your behalf. They will negotiate with insurance companies, gather evidence, and present your case in a compelling manner. With their guidance, you can increase your chances of securing the compensation you deserve to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

Don’t let a slip and fall accident haunt you. By seeking the assistance of a knowledgeable slip and fall lawyer, you can ensure that your rights are protected and that you have the best chance of securing the compensation you deserve.

Remember, time is of the essence. Reach out to the Wieand Law Firm LLC today, and see how a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer from our office can help.

Legal Assistance is Available

They may seem minor on the surface, but slip and fall accidents can be consequential. If you suspect that your injury occurred because of someone’s negligence, it may be beneficial for you to contact a lawyer for assistance about possible legal options. Contact Wieand Law Firm, to learn how you can seek compensation for your slip and fall injury. 

Pennsylvania Slip And Fall Laws: Understanding Liability And Compensation

If you or a loved one have experienced an injury due to a slip and fall accident, contact a Philadelphia, PA slip and fall lawyer at Wieand Law Firm LLC. Slip and fall accidents are a common occurrence in Pennsylvania, as in many other states. These accidents can lead to serious injuries, significant medical bills, and other hardships for the victims. In Pennsylvania, as in other states, there are specific laws and legal principles that govern slip and fall cases. Understanding these laws is essential for both those who have been injured in a slip and fall accident and property owners who may be potentially liable.

Premises Liability Laws In Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, slip and fall cases fall under the broader category of premises liability. Premises liability laws hold property owners responsible for maintaining their premises in a reasonably safe condition to prevent injuries to visitors and customers. These laws apply to various types of properties, including homes, businesses, and public places.

Duty Of Care

Property owners in Pennsylvania owe a duty of care to those who enter their premises. This duty of care varies depending on the status of the visitor. The law generally categorizes visitors into three groups:

  1. Invitees: These are individuals who are invited onto the property for a specific purpose, such as customers in a store. Property owners owe invitees the highest duty of care and must take reasonable steps to ensure their safety.
  2. Licensees: Licensees are individuals who enter the property for their own purposes but with the property owner’s consent. This category may include social guests. Property owners must warn licensees of any known hazards on the property.
  3. Trespassers: Trespassers are individuals who enter the property without permission. Property owners have the least duty of care to trespassers, but they still cannot intentionally harm them.

Proving Liability

To establish liability in a slip and fall case, the injured party must generally prove the following elements:

  1. Dangerous Condition: The property owner must have created or known about a dangerous condition on the property.
  2. Negligence: The property owner must have been negligent in addressing the dangerous condition.
  3. Causation: The dangerous condition must have directly caused the slip and fall accident and subsequent injuries.

Statute Of Limitations

Pennsylvania, like other states, has a statute of limitations for filing personal injury claims, including slip and fall cases. In Pennsylvania, the statute of limitations is generally two years from the date of the injury. It is crucial for injured parties to initiate legal action with a Philadelphia slip and fall lawyer within this timeframe, or they may lose the right to pursue compensation.

Comparative Negligence

Pennsylvania follows the legal doctrine of comparative negligence. This means that if a slip and fall case goes to court, the jury will determine the percentage of fault for both the injured party and the property owner. If the injured party is found partially at fault for the accident, their compensation will be reduced accordingly. However, as long as the injured party’s negligence is less than 50%, they can still recover damages.

Compensation For Slip And Fall Injuries

If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident in Pennsylvania and can prove the property owner’s liability, you may be entitled to various types of compensation. These can include:

  1. Medical Expenses: Compensation for past and future medical bills related to the slip and fall injuries.
  2. Lost Wages: Reimbursement for income lost due to the accident and recovery process.
  3. Pain and Suffering: Compensation for physical pain, emotional distress, and reduced quality of life caused by the injuries.
  4. Property Damage: If personal property was damaged in the accident, you may be entitled to compensation for repairs or replacement.
  5. Punitive Damages: In cases of extreme negligence or willful misconduct, punitive damages may be awarded to punish the responsible party and deter similar conduct in the future.

Consult An Attorney

Navigating the legal complexities of slip and fall cases in Pennsylvania can be challenging. If you’ve been injured in such an accident, it’s advisable to consult with an experienced Philadephia slip and fall lawyer who can assess the merits of your case and guide you through the legal process. The attorneys at Wieand Law Firm LLC can help you gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and, if necessary, represent you in court to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries and losses. Understanding Pennsylvania’s slip and fall laws is the first step toward seeking justice and recovering the damages you deserve.

Wieand Law Firm Philadelphia Slip and Fall Lawyer

1800 John F Kennedy Blvd #1400
Philadelphia, PA 19103

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