
Swimming Pool Accidents and Comparative Negligence

With summer weather on the horizon, many Pennsylvanians will look to cool off at a community swimming pool or enjoy some backyard pool fun. Sadly, these experiences can turn tragic when property owner negligence results in a swimming pool accident. On March 11th, a verdict was achieved by the plaintiff’s attorneys in the case of […]

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Can Nurses Be Held Liable for Malpractice?

Patient rights are not a subject that is spoken about nearly enough in American society. A few years ago, a groundbreaking research review conducted by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine revealed that medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S. Millions of non-fatal medical errors also occur annually. And yet, […]

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Biden Seeks to Protect Seniors in Nation’s Nursing Homes

The Biden Administration recently rolled out a long list of proposed reforms for nursing homes to address the unacceptable quality deficiencies that nursing home neglect lawyers witness too often. Our nursing home neglect lawyers have litigated many cases in which nursing home understaffing resulted in a failure to provide necessary services for a resident’s health […]

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Sovereign Immunity Act and SEPTA Accidents

For individuals injured in a SEPTA accident, capitation on damages can limit the recoveries of accident victims with extensive injuries. The caps were recently challenged in a case wherein a SEPTA accident resulted in a partial amputation of a victim’s foot. A SEPTA accident lawyer at the Wieand Law Firm can help you understand how […]

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Malpractice at Long-Term Care Facilities

Over the past several years, it has become apparent that abuse and neglect in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities is a nationwide crisis. The prevalence of this mistreatment is staggering. The National Council on Aging estimates that each year at least 5 million Americans suffer as a result of some form of elder […]

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Police Brutality in the Thomas Siderio Incident

The death of Thomas Siderio is the most recent example of police brutality, demonstrating a reason for individuals to seek the services of a police brutality lawyer. On March 9th, The Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danelle Outlaw announced that the officer who shot a 12-year-old boy in South Philadelphia last week would be terminated from the […]

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Concussion Sub-Types Explained

At Wieand Law Firm, LLC, we are not medical doctors. However, we have represented enough concussion victims that we have quite a bit of knowledge on the condition. A concussion is considered a mild traumatic brain injury, which can result in a variety of symptoms. Researchers have determined that there are five subtypes for concussions, […]

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Five Myths About Concussions

Myth 1: You Have To Lose Consciousness To Have a Concussion This myth is dangerous, because it could keep people who have concussions from receiving the medical care they need after a concussion. The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center reports that only around 10% of concussions involve the loss of consciousness. Myth 2: You Have […]

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Do I Qualify For Worker’s Compensation?

Sustaining an on the job injury can result in more than just an inconvenience, as a worker’s compensation lawyer in Philadelphia, PA knows. It can be a big setback financially, leaving you with other types of problems beyond figuring out how to pay for your medical treatment and related expenses. You may benefit from speaking […]

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