
Helpful Methods While Navigating Divorce

Family Lawyer

family lawyerIf you and your spouse have mutually reached that point in your marriage where you find it’s in both of your best interests to separate, it goes without saying that you want to handle this transition in the most delicate way possible. It is no easy decision to make, and regardless of the original reasons that lead to an agreement of divorce, it is in your best interest to go about the process in a professional manner. That said, one of the first steps you should make after you have made this decision is to contact a qualified family lawyer, such as one of the lawyers at Kempen & Company. We are here to guide and support you through this difficult circumstance and want to do whatever we can to make this more of a smooth transition. Below are just a few of the common methods to consider that will help you and your family navigate your divorce.

Understand What You Want Moving Forward

While it’s simple to assume what you want out of this transition, most people newly going through a divorce may not closely analyze this question for themselves. You want to be able to evaluate what you want, don’t want, and what you ultimately need in the future. It’s important to be completely true to yourself and sit down to list out these categories while you’re processing this major life event. Being clear-minded about knowing these needs and when going into the negotiation can provide a clearer forward for how your lawyer can legally help you.

Understand The Divorce Is Business Now

Underneath the emotional burdens and tough conversations, at the foundational level, divorce is a legal proceeding. It’s important to separate your feelings from the legal process. In other words, as one should in any business transaction, you must be level-headed and composed while handling these heavy matters. It’s also more than a court case – it’s a lawsuit against someone very important in your life, no matter how the relationship ended. It is a legal process that decides the separation of your marital assets and responsibilities.  Given divorce laws vary by state, it’s imperative to be aware of how your state will govern your divorce so that you can negotiate the best terms for yourself and your future.

Understand Your Financial Records

As frustrating and challenging as it may be at first, you want to begin setting up a bank account and credit card. By organizing and filing as many financial records as you can, you are putting yourself in a better position for court. Additionally, having your records in place before you meet with your lawyer will save you many billable hours. Be prepared to create a Financial Affidavit, which is required by the court, but know your lawyer can help you with this.

Understand Your Support System Around You

You will be making critical and impactful decisions in your divorce, and while your own family and friends may have the best intentions of sharing their advice, it may not actually be the most sound. In other words, it’s important to have professionals to lean on through this journey. An attorney will help guide you in what may feel like the endless choices you need to navigate. Be aware of how and where you’re seeking counsel in this life-changing event.

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